Group Classes
FREE options:
Bariatric Support Group: 1st Thursday 5:30pm
Diabetes Support Group: 1st Tuesday 12pm
Diabetes Support Group: 1st Monday 12pm (Spanish)
PAID options:
Building the Foundation of Diabetes Self Management Course
starts first week of each month
Option 1: 2 hour weekly class runs for 4 consecutive weeks
Option 2: 1 hour class biweekly runs for 4 consecutive *some insurance plans may require this option.
This course satisfies Medicare's one time 10 hour benefit that all Medicare recipients receive. Most other insurance plans also cover this
12 Week Lifestyle Modification Course
Classes start January, April, July, October​
One topic discussed per week.
National Diabetes Prevention Program NDPP (CDC Preliminary Accreditation)
1-2 year commitment making small lifestyle changes weekly in order reduce risk for diabetes by lowering A1c, losing 5-7% of weight, and increasing physical activity to 150 minutes per week consistently.​​
Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program MDPP *Contracted and Approved by Medicare
Follows similar requirements as NDPP but specifically for Medicare members due to Medicare only covering Nutrition Counseling for Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease, this option allows Medicare recipients to receive education and prevention services.​
*Each class will be taught by one of the founders personally selected, skilled and certified staff members.
Contact Us today to get scheduled for one of our upcoming classes. Some classes do have a waitlist due to minimum requirements and/or maximum participant capacity. Your insurance may cover some or all of the above options.